Amy Zapantis

Meaning behind the brand
what is amatus
The name behind the brand is very important to me. I wanted to keep my identity and the heart of the brand within the name in a unique way. I am one of four girls and I remember when I was younger that my mother had in each of our rooms a framed picture with our names and the meaning. Amy is Latin which means 'to be loved'. I translated this and this was 'Amatus' and Amatus is 'Skin to be loved'. This was the perfect name as I was able to keep my identity and the essence of the brand in the simplest form, which is, your skin is to be loved!
The Story
Growing up in a household of 5 women, 4 sisters and our mother, beauty was always something I found myself around. A passion from young turned into my vision and goal in life. I was always naturally and very capable in the world of beauty!
For all of my life, I have been in and around the skincare and cosmetics industry and have always been fascinated by skin and ingredients. Given my Aussie roots, where, let's be honest there is a bit of a laissez-faire attitude to skin, it was when I moved to the UK that I started really investigating the industry. It is safe to say I became skin-obsessed.

When looking closer into skincare and what was on offer, I just found confusion. It was difficult to know exactly what ingredients I was putting on my skin and why. Most brands weren't providing enough clarity about their products. I was horrified! I wanted an effective and simple routine. After copious research, it was clear I was not the only one who was overwhelmed by the beauty space. With so many products available on the market, starting a skincare journey and making a choice felt seemingly impossible. I was rooted in the belief that skincare doesn't need to be complicated!
My passion for simplicity, high-quality ingredients and luxurious, clean packaging became my vision for the brand. Tapping into my 11 years' experience in the industry, starting as a trained beautician at age 18, as well as my entrepreneurial appetite - I decided to do something about it. And launched Amatus. I spent 2 years developing everyday skincare products of the highest quality as well as a brand that would provide a seamless and pleasurable experience for its consumers.

The key to creating Amatus was to develop a core range of products for everyday use. A brand that was not seasonal or part of a trend, but a reliable and constant routine that would last throughout time. Always coming back to the basics.
Based on these values, I knew that I needed to create my own brand. A brand with a simple heart – Amatus. Because I had the experience, I had the brand building knowledge, I had the industry leads, I had the scientific connections, and, most importantly, it’s what I love.
In building the brand, I have worked closely with my team who have more than 30 years of experience and industry dermatologists to perfect our formulas. I have never been more passionate about anything than I am in my belief in this brand.
Amatus is on a journey and it's important we document our progress. So we've developed this Sustainability Statement which will guide our company as we grow.